
Skype via SIP in Platan PBX

According to inquries we inform that we are carrying out constant monitoring of Skype for SIP service, which guarantees the proper operating with Platan PBX - Prima, Micra, Sigma and Delta equipped with VoIP module.

Skype for SIP Beta service was created with thinking of business users used PBX. It assumes that communication with Skype users is carrying out through universal SIP protocol, used in our PBX as well. That way Skype for SIP service is the same service as VoIP providers ones who serves their services via SIP protocol. It requires equpping PBX with VoIP ports and obtaining a proper amount of voice channels in Skype. 

The main advantage of this solution is giving a possibility of cost free dialing a company for millions of Skype users. 

For additional info regarding advantages of using this solution and Skype for SIP configuration please contact Sales Office.



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